Respect the environment around you. These videos will help you work out what to look for from a safety perspective, as well as take you through the basic rules that you must observe on the water...


How to sail - The Sailing Environment

How to be aware of the environment around you when sailing a dinghy....


How to sail - What to Wear for Dinghy Sailing


How to sail - Safety Boat & Man Overboard

Boat safety and what to do when someone goes overboard....


How to sail - Environment: Key Learning Points & Next Steps

A recap of the Key Learning Points to take away from the sailing environment and the next steps you should take to make sure you've got them fully committed to memory...


How to sail - Rules: Introduction

An introduction to some of the rules of the road when sailing a dinghy....


How to sail - Rules: Practical Examples

Some practical examples of the rules in action....